Development and Planning

There is a hierarchy of guidance for trees and Planning. I make outcome based recommendations against the backdrop of Local Plan Policies, the National Planning Policy Framework and BS5837:2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction- Recommendations.

I provide a service from feasibility studies to advising on technical issues including:

•  Site visit
•  Tree survey
•  Basic soil assessment to inform arboricultural decisions
•  Tree categorisation
•  Tree Survey plans based on supplied drawing and identifying those trees to be retained, removed and pruned
•  Mapping the likely Root Protection Areas (RPA)
•  Produce a Tree Constraints Plan and Site Information: Arboriculture report to maximise the opportunities of the site
•  Preparation of an Arboricultural Impact Assessment (AIA) including an assessment of the significance and risk of impacts from construction activities
•  Preparation of a Tree Protection plan
•  Identify issues to be addressed by and Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS)
•  Production of an AMS if necessary
• Tree valuation for BMEP (Biodiversity and Mitigation Enhancement Plans) using CAVAT (Capital Asset Value for Amenity Trees)
• Canopy cover calculations based on proposed tree removals and new planting

